Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bad Renters in Las Vegas


Why is a computer geek writing about bad renters in Las Vegas??

I want to find out how quickly Google will become aware, or "index" a NEW Webpage that is added on to an existing website.  The website we will be starting with has been up and running and indexed by Google for over a year now.  Once the new webpage has been indexed by Google, we will then start playing around with it, working our magic, until it's on the front page of Google.

For this example we are going to create a website for reporting bad renters.  So obviously one of our search phrases with be:  "Bad Renters in Las Vegas".  And to further test how quickly Google indexes the content on this page, we will give names (that we can track on Google) to our bad renters in Las Vegas: "Adam Burke" and "Allyson Stys".

Existing Website:

NEW WebPage:

Primary Search Phrase:  Bad Renters in Las Vegas
Other Search Phrases:   Adam Burke
Other Search Phrases:   Allyson Stys

I'm creating the page right now and as soon as it's uploaded.  I'll do an update with the date and time for everybody.  Then we wait for those creeping, crawling spiders to find it.  And "NO" - I'm NOT going to update my SiteMap file, or manually submit the new webpage to Google or any other URL submission service.  I want Google to find it on it's own.  Marco.....  Polo......  Marco...... Polo.......

This will be interesting.....

May 30, 2012 at 8:57pm PST
OK - Just uploaded the NEW WebPage to the existing website.  It's nothing fancy so please, no Emails on how "thrown together" it looks - It was thrown together just for testing purposes.  Thanks.....

Remember, I have not updated the sitemap file, or submitted it manually to Google, and the only link in the entire world that points to it, is in the paragraph above.

Let's see how quickly the spiders from Google find and index the new webpage, and where they place it.

May 30, 2012 at 8:57pm PST
After uploading the new webpage, I did what all good webmaster / SEO's do.  I went out for a martini.  A Mango Martini to be precise.  Not the manliest looking drink, but darn tasty in this Las Vegas heat.  Soooo.....  Let's see if anything is happening on Google yet....

This current Blog shows up as #11 for "Bad Renters in Las Vegas".  That's not only impressive, but very promising for our new webpage.  This blog was first published TODAY at 7:21pm.  Google was able to find & index this new blog in less than 1 hour, 36 minutes, and placed it #11.  Let's see if it stays there.  If the Blog was this successful, this quickly - this is very promising for the new webpage.  Curious to see if it will follow the same pattern.  Let me know what you think.

Our other keyword search phrases are our renters.  You will notice that I have NOT placed links on their names to the new webpage.  This might inform Google about the new page.  We aren't testing that.  We are testing how long it takes Google's spiders to find it.  Here are our Bad Renters:

     Adam Burke
     Allyson Stys

Houston - We have a problem.  Guess I should have done a little more homework on my "Bad Renters" (Where is that darn sarcastic font when you need it.....)  Allyson Stys was a good name to use for this test.  Adam Burke was not.  Turns out, there are a lot of people named Adam Burke that show up when doing a Google search.  Try it yourself and you'll see what I mean.

So this adds a slight twist to our test.

Bad Renters in Las Vegas ==> Medium competition
Allyson Stys ==> Low competition
Adam Burke ==> High competition

Let's see when each of them will be found by Google, and in which order each of them get placed on the front page.  Will check back in a while.  Time to refresh my drink.  I suggest you do the same....  When anyone notices the "Bad Renters", please post which search phrase showed up, what # did it rank, and the time you saw it.   Thank You......

May 30, 2012 at 11:30pm PST
I just activated the link at the top of this blog that points to our NEW "Bad Renters" WebPage.  (Thanks for the Emails reminding me that it was not activated when I posted - Thank You.)  Right before I activated it, Google still had not found and indexed our new webpage. Let wait and see.

Thanks again for all the Emails and feedback.  Feel free to add your comments about this test, and suggestions for new ones.

May 31, 2012 at 9:30am PST
I trust everyone had a rested night's sleep.  And just as I had suspected / expected, our NEW webpage appeared and has now disappeared from the front page of Google.  This has been labeled the "Google Dance".  It's ranking is going to "dance around" for a while till it settles in some where.

How are our search phrases doing??
Well... They are not in the top 30, so in my book they don't even exist yet.  Let's keep on with this test and see when things start to happen.  Don't worry, if it starts to get booring....zzzzz......zzzzz.  I have a few tricks we can try on Google to see how quickly they jump up to the front page.

May 31, 2012 at 10:00am PST
BTW - I'm starting up another Google Top Placement test this morning.  Can I create a quick & ugly webpage and have it on the front page of Google using only backlinking?  How important is the actual content of the website or is it all about the backlinks??  I'm calling this next experiment:  The Ugly Swan

The Swan is real internation SEO company called City News Local.
Yes - I said international.  Go Big or Go Home!
The "Ugly" is the new webpage I'll be creating and getting on the front page of Google using only backlinks.
Click on the link below to see what happens:

     City News Local
     City News Local - Las Vegas

May 31, 2012 at 3:00pm PST
So far, none of our search phrases have shown up on the front page of Google.  And this is OK.  This is what we are testing.  Sure I could manually index it a force Google to rank it, but we want to see how long it will take Google to find and index this new webpage on it's own.

Here are the search phrases we're keeping an eye on:

     Bad Renters in Las Vegas
     Adam Burke
     Allyson Stys

We will keep an eye on them.  If anyone out there notices one of them pop up on Google, post the date and time with your findings.  Thanks....

May 31, 2012 at 4:00pm PST
In the future, we will be performing other tests on the difference between contextual backlinks and what I call EOP (End of Paragraph) backlinks.  We believe contextual backlinks get more "juice" passed than the EOP backlinks.  Here's an example of each:

Contextual Backlink
This new webpage lists some of the bad renters in Las Vegas for Landlords and property managers.  I hope it does well and people like it.

EOP Backlink
This new webpage lists some of the bad renters in Las Vegas for Landlords and property managers.  I hope it does well and people like it.  Click on one of the links below to see it:

     Bad Renters in Las Vegas
     Adam Burke
     Allyson Stys

June 01, 2012 at 11:00pm PST
oopppssss.  Seems there was some mis-communication between myself and my staff member helping me with this test.  The goal was to see how long it takes Google to notice / index a new webpage added to an existing website.  Well..... He started doing our magic on the webpage and literally over-night it has appeared on the front page of Google.  Don't get me wrong - This is amazing how quickly we can get websites on the front page of Google, but now what we were going after.  Oh well.  We shall continue.

Now that is appearing on the front page of Goolge for Bad Renters in Las Vegas we can continue testing to see how long it takes before Google places it on the front page for the following search phrases:

     Bad Renters in Las Vegas
     Adam Burke
     Allyson Stys

Remember - There is a famous comedian out there also named Adam Burke.  So we will be going up against all his social media sites, promotional sites, social networking sites, and more.  This will be fun.  Are we going to kill Comedian Adam Burke's online reputation??    NO - The big difference will be the keyword association we will be training Google on.  We will basically be telling / insructing Google to associate all the new information we are giving you on Adam Burke of Las Vegas with BAD RENTER.  And do not change your current information associations on the other Adam Burkes.
So we are off to do more of our magic on Adam Burke and Allyson Stys - Those bad renters in Las Vegas.  Will do our next update when we have something.

It's now officially Martini time....

June 02, 2012 at 12:15am PST
Yummy..... Nothing better than a good martini at the end of the day.  OK - While sipping on my martini, I did some Google searches to see what's happening.  Turns out we are now #1 for Bad Renters in Las Vegas  AND  Bad Renters.  Since I live here in Las Vegas, it defaults to Vegas, but it's good to see that it's picking up both of them.

As for Adam Burke and Allyson Stys, we are not on the first couple of page on Google so therefore we do not exist.  We do however show up on the front page for Adam Burke Bad Renters in Las Vegas and Allyson Stys Bad Renters in Las Vegas.  So this is a start.  We will keep training Google till we get the desired results.

Will keep ya posted.

In the mean time, please do Google searches on the following and let me know when they show up of the front page.  Time for another martini and I rented the movie "Contraband".  Will check back in later....

     Allyson Stys
     Adam Burke
     Allyson Stys Las Vegas
     Adam Burke Las Vegas
     Allyson Stys Bad Renters in Las Vegas
     Adam Burke Bad Renters in Las Vegas

These will be the next search phrases we will be teaching Google.  Are you starting to see a pattern on how we "spoon feed" Google??  Meta tags, webpage optimization, backlinks, blogs....

These are are wonderful things to support your campaign in being #1 on Google.  But if Google learns you wrong in the beginning, it gonna take a damn long time to un-teach it, then re-teach it.  This is why we are so very careful in how we "spoon feed" Google in the beginning, along with how much we "spoon feed" it.  If we start it off in the right direction - Life is good.  If Google goes off, unguided in it's own direction - it may be a direction which is undesireable.

June 02, 2012 at 12:45am PST
Just realized (while watching the previews) that we already rank for Allyson Stys Bad Renters in Las Vegas and Adam Burke Bad Renters in Las Vegas, so no need to keep en eye on them.

The next search phrases:
     Allyson Stys Las Vegas and Adam Burke Las Vegas will be the next search phrases learned by Google if our predictions are correct.  Once Google has learned those nice and solid, then it will focus on the individuals Allyson Stys and Adam Burke.  Are you starting to see how we teach Google the broad search phrases first?  Believe it or not, Google learns the broad category first, then starts to learn the specifics....

Broad Category: Bad Renters in Las Vegas Allyson Stys
Broad Category: Bad Renters in Las Vegas Adam Burke

Specific Category: Bad Renters Las Vegas
Specific Category: Bad Renters Allyson Stys
Specific Category: Bad Renters Adam Burke

Exact Category: Allyson Stys
Exact Category: Adam Burke

This is an essential element to learn if you really want to dominate Google and the other major search engines.  Build a website with good content.  Make it very user friendly.  Get it indexed with the major search engines, blog, backlink, link, optimize your website even more, add content on a regular basis, get people to post reviews online.....  All these are vital steps if you wish to dominate Google.  All these steps are useless if Google learns your wrong in the beginning.  This is why we spend sooo much time, baby stepping Google thru this learning process.

Here's a graphic way of explaining it.  When Google first becomes aware of our new webpage, if we "Brain Wash" Google in the beginning to believe that our sole purpose in life is: Bad Renters, Las Vegas, Allyson Stys, Adam Burke - And we never waver from it.  We continue to blog about those four items and only those four items.  Google realizes your intent from the beginning is the same as it is now and will reward you for it.

If we were to alter our focus to include Bad Dry Cleaning Stores in Las Vegas, or Bad Chinese Food in Las Vegas, Google would definately demote our ranking because we are no longer focused on our original keywords, AND there are other websites out there which are more focused.  They would receive higher ranking.

Another key concept in SEO.  If you are promoting / selling anything on the Internet - Stay Focused.   Sometimes it's better to build three websites than just one.  Let's face it.  If we really wanted to dominate Google for Allyson Stys and Adam Burke we would have gone out and purchased the corresponting domain name and built individual websites for each.  And this is how I set up my customers to dominate Google.

If you have 3 products you are selling, sure you could sell them all under your corporate website (let's call it WEBCO for fun).  But you'll have better success selling them under unique website names.  Try this on for an example.  Let's say our company WEBCO sells three products.  Baseballs, Bats, Gloves.  Most likely WEBCO has their own website www dot WEBCO dot com and that's where they sell their three products.  They probably target the search phrases: Baseball(s), Baseball Glove(s), Baseball Bat(s), Glove(s), Bat(s), Baseball supplies, Baseball Equipment.  So this one website has a lot of work to do.  It's got to be on the front page of Google for all these vital keywords.  Here are Vegas Computer Solutions, we have a more effective way of dominating Google.  Instead of only using one website to carry the load, distribute the weight and be more effective.

It will be more effective to create 3 websites than to just create one.  Create a website specifically for Baseballs only.  Create a second website for Baseball Gloves, and the third one for Baseball Bats.  Have each website focus only on one product.  This makes it easy for Google to learn.  Your keywords for the first website could be as few (and focused) as: Baseballs, Baseball, Baseball Sales, Baseball Retail Stores, Official Little League Baseballs, Official Minor League Baseballs, Official Major League Baseball.....  See where I'm gong with this?  You can lazer in Google's focus if you are focused.

This is a concept taught to me by my SEO guru years ago:

When trolling the Internet waters,
you can do it with just one net,
but more nets will yield you more of what you desire.

Have a great night everyone.  Time for this SEO guerilla to climb a tree and take a nap.

June 02, 2012 at 3:30am PST
Hope everyone really read my last post.  Gave everyone lots of SEO tricks and tools that work for me.

Right now we are training Google on the next set of search phrases we wish it to rank on the front page.  When someone enters Adam Burke or Allyson Stys or Adam Burke Las Vegas or Allyson Stys Las Vegas, we want this website to be #1 on Google.  And "YES" that means out ranking Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and the rest of the social networking sites.  All of which have high PR values, and tons of backlinks, blogs..... 

This will be interesting, a challenge, and most important FUN ! ! !

June 02, 2012 at 4:45am PST
I really should have done more research before selecting the name Adam Burke.  I mentioned earlier there are a few famous Adam Burkes listed on the Internet.  I just didn't realize how many of them would be famous.  There is a Comedian, Magician, Radio Talk Show Host.....

Oh well.....  This will just make it more interesting and challenging.

The next search phrases that will appear on the front page of Google will be:

1. Allyson Stys Las Vegas
2. Adam Burke Las Vegas
3. Allyson Stys
4. Adam Burke

I'll even go out on a limb a say they will probably appear on the front page of Google in the order listed.  Allyson Stys Las Vegas will appear on the front of Google sooner then Adam Burke.

OK - It's 4:45am and time for this SEO guerilla to climb a tree and get some sleep.

June 03, 2012 at 8:30pm PST
The "Google Dance" has been going on for a while now and we ended up with one of the seven remaining chairs.  Yes folks,  We are now on the front page of Google ! ! !

Here are the current rankings:

  #3 - Bad Renters in Las Vegas  (This blog is #1 currently)
  #4 - Allyson Stys Las Vegas
#35 - Adam Burke Las Vegas  (remember, there are several famous Adam Burkes)

Now that Google has discovered our two bad renters and put one of them on the front page, it should place Adam Burke Las Vegas on the front page as well.  Just give it some time to dance.  Keep in mind Google is trying to figure out how to rank us.  If we have done our work correctly, Allyson Stys will stay on the front page while Adam Burke slowly bubbles up thru the ranks.  This will be interesting to test and follow how quickly Google learns and how fast and well we can train it.

SEO guerilla calling it a night.
Time to climb into girlfriends tree and share some bananas...

June 05, 2012 at 7:00am PST
We have continued our training of Google on the serch phrases and things are going well.  This blog is on the front page, along with Bad Renters in Las Vegas and Allyson Stys Las Vegas.  The only one that is taking a while is Adam Burke Las Vegas.  Again, this is my fubar.  Should have done some research on the name Adam Burke before using it in this test.  There are several famous Adam Burkes with many websites, blogs, Facebook pages, news write-ups.......  Like I've said before - This will be fun!

Started a new ad campaign that will focus on Adam Burke Las Vegas and Adam Burke.  We also started a generic ad campaign on this blog.  We did this for two reasons.  First, this blog is on the front page of Google receiving lots of PR "juice".  We must keep it's ranking high for it to continue receiving high ranking and that PR "juice" that feeds the links within the blog.  Second, all these links within the blog, pass this valuable PR "juice" to our webpages.  And with this many damn links, we need to feed it a lot!

I'll check on our search phrases and rankings, then post an update after this SEO guerilla gets some more coffee.  Below are the search phrases we are focusing on:

A)  Bad Renters in Las Vegas
B)  Allyson Stys Las Vegas
C) Adam Burke Las Vegas
D) Allyson Stys
E) Adam Burke

June 05, 2012 at 7:30am PST
And the rankings are in.
#3  Bad Renters in Las Vegas  (no change)
#4  Allyson Stys Las Vegas  (no change)
#9 Adam Burke Las Vegas  (up from #35)
#6 Allyson Stys  (on the front page now)
#94 Adam Burke  (in the top 100)

All these rankings are excellent!  Keep in mind this is a NEW webpage.  It was uploaded to the Internet on May 30, 2012 at 8:57pm PST.  That means our newborn webpage is less than 6 days old!

Not to bad huh?
We put a NEW webpage on the front page of Google, for 4 search phrases, and we did it in less than 6 days.  Here at Vegas Computer Solutions, we have an awesome team comprised of unique individuals, each of which are a vital part in the success of all our projects.

As for "Adam Burke", I'm actually impressed that it's in the top 100 so quickly.  Remember, there are several famous "Adam Burkes".  I've found a magician, comedian, radio talk show host, and more.  And all of them have social networks, blogs, and videos,....  Onward we go.

Next step is to maintain our work on the phrases already on the front page of Google, and start up an ad campaign spcifically for "Adam Burke" and "Adam Burke Las Vegas".  We need to continue Google's training on Adam Burke of Las Vegas, and teach Google to distinguish him from the other Adam Burkes.  We don't want to hurt the online reputation of the other Adam Burkes in the world.

June 06, 2012 at 4:30am PST
Our search phrases are doing well. Here's our rankings

And the rankings are in.
#3  Bad Renters in Las Vegas  (no change)
#1  Allyson Stys Las Vegas  (Google Domination! ! !)
#9 Adam Burke Las Vegas  (up from #35)
#3 Allyson Stys  (up from #6)
#63 Adam Burke  (up from #95 ==> WOW ! ! ! )

June 13, 2012 at 4:00am PST
Our search phrases are doing well. Here's our rankings

#2  Bad Renters in Las Vegas  (up from #3)
#1  Allyson Stys Las Vegas  (Google Domination! ! !)
#4 Adam Burke Las Vegas  (up from #9)
#2 Allyson Stys  (up from #3 & FaceBook is #1)
#32 Adam Burke  (up from #63)

July 09, 2012 at 9:00am PST
Have been gone for a while in the hospital.  All is good now and the SEO guerilla is back in action.
I'm curious to see how our search phrases have been doing n my absence.  So here are the Google rankings as of right now:

#2  Bad Renters in Las Vegas  (the blog is #1)
#2  Allyson Stys Las Vegas  (the blog is #1)
#4 Adam Burke Las Vegas  (the blog is #3)
#3 Allyson Stys  (the blog is #2 & FaceBook is #1)
#32 Adam Burke  (not in top 100)

WOW - I'm surpried they did not drop more than they did.  And 4 of the 5 keyword search phrases are still on the front page of Google ! ! ! Damn we do good work here at Vegas Computer Solutions.

OK - Back to work till all of the search phrases are on the front page of Google...